Turtle Tour

Nungwi Cultural Village Tour

Nungwi Cultural Village Tour

1 Day


Explore the Nungwi Village on a guided tour. Visit the local fish market, the natural aquarium, and the boat yard. Learn about the local way of life and relax on the beach.

Visit the fish market in the early morning when it is in full swing. Depending on the catch the previous night, you might see tuna, king fish, dorado, and a variety of other large fish for sale. Watch local fishermen wade out to the edge of the coral reef to catch a number of different small sea creatures including squid, octopus, puffer fish, and the occasional ray.

Visit the Natural Aquarium, a natural formation carved out from the coral bedrock by the erosion of millions of waves crashing against the shore. The depth of the water rises and falls with the tides, providing a natural environment for its inhabitants.

While watching the white sails of the Dhows go by, visit the Nungwi Boat Yard. Meet the ship yard owner and learn how the dhows are built, from the sourcing of the wood to the joints used and how they are launched. Lastly, relax on the sandy beaches or go swimming in the natural sea.


  • Discover the Nungwi Fish Market and see the catch of the day
  • Visit the Nungwi Boat Yard and learn about the construction of dhows
  • See the Natural Aquarium, a natural formation carved from coral bedrock
  • Learn about the local culture and lifestyle of the Nungwi village
  • Relax on the sandy beaches or go swimming in the natural sea

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Nungwi Cultural Village Tour